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Memory-Keeping Activities as a Time Capsule

Memory-keeping activities such as making a scrapbook, memory box, journalling, and sketching, are so important for young people who are grieving. Not only do they provide a focused activity for talking about their loved one, and art expression for processing feelings, but they also act as a kind of time capsule. For example, a child who loses a significant person when they are 7 years old, has 7-year-old memories of their loved one. Our activity kits come with special prompts for remembering using their five senses – What did your loved one like to make? Can you include the recipe? Can you smell it right now? What did they love to wear? Can you picture them in it? Did they call you a special name, or always say something that was kind of silly? This time capsule of 7-year-old memories becomes an invaluable keepsake for a child’s 15-year-old self, or 25-year-old self, or 40-year-old self. The experience of grief and loss changes as a child grows and matures and their understanding of life and death deepens, but they never stop missing their loved ones. These concrete memories become a forever connection to their special person.

Our memory-keeping craft kits are now available on their own, so that you can mix and match them to make the perfect gift. We have modeled them after a few of our favourite books for supporting children with grief. The scrapbook craft kit is made to match Death is Stupid, which has a beautiful homemade collage aesthetic, and also includes collage prompts. The memory box craft kit comes with a photo transfer kit to transfer favourite photos, or music pages, or even handwriting, directly onto the wood, and a collage kit for creating a special place to keep memories of a loved one. Purchase them with the book or on their own – you get to choose.

Would you have liked to have created something like this when you were young and missing someone? Good news – art has no age limit. Jot down a few ideas or memories that come to mind when you think of your loved one, and spend a few minutes collecting things that remind you of them. Maybe it’s a wooden spoon because they liked to cook, or a shell because they liked the beach. Admire your beautiful collection or photograph it. There are many ways to honor and remember. How do you remember your loved ones?

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